By Du'Doll
Date: 2001 Nov 28
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Where Did It Go

I used to be able to write
Write poetry that would give you chills
Now I write word
Cheesey lines
Dumb phrases
That make even myself gag
What happened
I don't feel any different
Everything that I want to say
I feel like I have already said
Did I lose it
All my ability to write
Where are the words
Where did it all go
My poetry used to do something
Relieved my stress
Now my poetry just makes me feel dumb
Makes me feel stupid
The meaning is the same
The love is the same
What happend
Did I lose the gift
Did I forget how to write
Where are the words
The words that go with my heart
Is the poetry still there
Is it still somewhere inside me
Where did it go
I am feeling so lost