By nzgoddess
Submitted by nzgoddess
Date: 2002 Jan 09
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Hey Can We Be Friends?

Hey - can we be friends?
And lovers....

Can we love each other
without fear that the other
has invested self interest in manipulating the results?
(Love starting off as the ultimate form of self-flattery)
I reackon my power issues are a result of society
and I'm genetically inclined to love/hate men.  
I do it every time - get into a love/hate thing.  

I give you your space
Does it make u secure?  Or insecure?
Love me tender, love me do....
But don't get too close.....

Hatred, hatred, hatred
Between the sexes
Power sharing?  Nooooo

I give you some of my power and that means
I lose some of mine doesn't it?
I can't deal with that.
I get angry.....

It's about polarisation

This is alchemy
Turning the shite into gold
This is a power trip -
In the best way possible

Open the crypt
Release the pain

Let it all come out
Don't be scared
This is evolution.....