By Jon
Date: 2002 Jan 20
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Ignorance Is Truly Bliss

If I had one wish
And I was guaranteed it would come true
I would wish that I didn't have the ability
To express myself through poetry
Writing is a curse not a gift
I wish I was ignorant
To the feelings in my heart
I wish I couldn't put them into words that make sense
I wish I was just like every other guy out there
Unable to express emotions through verse and rhyme
Writing has made me soft
Its much easier to bruise this soul than it was before
And its much easier to shatter my shattered heart
And I wish I didn't feel the things I feel
I wish I could just drink a few beers
Have a few laughs and go to a couple strip bars
Pass out drunk on the floor and forget everything that I am feeling inside
Just like every other guy
Instead of lying on my bed and then going to my computer
And writing down what I feel in this complicated mess we call Jon
(I even hate what I'm doing right now)
But no...
I have the ability to express my emotions with words
Write them down in free verse, imaginative reality, lyrics and limericks, stanzas and sonnets etc etc.
I hate the fact that I know the difference between all of them!

So, if I had one wish...
And I was guaranteed it would come true

I would wish that;

I wasn't able to write a single line of poetry

So, then maybe...

I wouldn't hurt so much inside
When you say that you don't love me the way I love you