By Deep luce sea
Submitted by luce_bruffell
Date: 2002 Mar 14
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The choice was made before the act began
That look in your eyes answered every demand
Sunlight seeped in, now with a shadow on your face
You gazed into my eyes the love was so easily traced.

My heart rate increased as I started to shiver
I realised, no turning back-I was immensely aquiver
Holding you're body-just to touch was amazing
The contact of your skin always left me craving

The time had arrived to fulfil my only dream
An act to represent what it should only mean
Without love, it is nothing-just another action
But for me it truth, love and unbelievable passion.

The initial feeling was one never felt before
A different type of love, which I adored
We were closer than ever-with more appreciation
Of our love, trust and eternal fixation.

Our love still grows and to this day is true
Just want to say-I'm so in love with you
You're my perfect match with a deep allure
You are my soul mate-my lover evermore