By Akash Submitted by Akash Date: 2002 Mar 15 Comment on this Work [[2002.]] |
I thought it is time to enjoy the funny side of here it goes... A Friend once wrote... I put a stamp on the fax because I wanted it to go without fail, I took 18 people to the movies because it said not below 18, I went to the shop to buy a COLOR TV and they said they don't have my favorite color GREEN, I called the airlines to find out how long does it take to fly to New York, they said - Just a second and I hung up, When I asked a girl out, she said she would want to go out with me only if I get her crocodile shoes, And I spend the whole summer in the jungle, killed 71 crocodiles - but could not find a single one with shoes on, I bought this shiny object called Thermos Flask and they said that it keeps hot stuff hot and cold stuff cold, So I carried Two cups of Coffee and a glass of Coke inside, I stopped calling my friend - because he picks up the phone and says he not home, When I wanted an additional sheet of white paper, I used the photocopying machine, I went to buy a TV again, and every time I showed my finger towards the TV I liked, They said they won't sell it to me, I went in different disguises - but they always said the same. Then I asked why would they not sell it to me. They replied - You are pointing at a Microwave and not a TV. My friends came to my place on Wednesday to tell me a joke so that I could laugh during the weekend at the Happy Hour meeting. I work seven days a week because they don't have to retrain me on Monday. I once tried to kill a bird by throwing it off the cliff. Once I was in trouble but could not call 911 because I could not find the number 11 on the phone pad. |