By angelasana
Date: 2002 Mar 20
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The Quarrel

I can't read you
unlike all of the books I have shelved in the den
or the pages of the magazine I eagerly grab from the newstand
I can't read you
can't figure out if it is what I said
or what I didn't say that makes you turn from me
I can't read you
can't decide if an apology would suffice
or if me taking the blame has been the problem all along
can't determine whether my tone has set you off, prompting you to walk away and leave me in silence
or if it is my inability to comfort you at the slightest sign that you need it
unlike this newspaper resting on my knee
I can't read you
and as you stare at me now,livid, waiting for my response to a question you never bothered to ask....
I flip to my favorite section realizing
I shouldn't have to