By Me aka Niki
Date: 2002 Mar 29
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They say that with time the longing, missing and caring will be carried away with the wind, drifted away with the sea, into the horizon
To a time that can only be remembered as long ago
Part of this is true, the desire see them lessens, the tendency to pick up the phone ceases, the longing to hold them comes and goes, the missing disappears
Until you've reached the point that the caring just stops
But I must say, that with some it only hurts more with every sunrise and sunset on your way to that point
In the end you've memorized every word said, made a Kodak picture of every smile, cherished every tear shed, locked away every touch and kiss,
So that by the time the caring stops you've engraved the memories in your soul,
   &     with some....-->    forever