By Jon Date: 2002 Apr 22 Comment on this Work [[2002.]] |
My guy friends would always poke fun at the "friendship" that me and her shared. I guess it was because we did everything couples would do. Besides the physical stuff. We talked late at night on the phone. You know those phone calls that last until 5 am...yeah those. We saw each other all the time. We even invented an "8th" day of the week called "Usday". Lame I know, but hey we thought it was the cutest. It was just another name for the "inbetween" time between Monday and Tuesday. We would hold hands and cuddle during a movie or while watching tv. We told each other everything. We even talked about a future together. We would always joke about how we would never marry each other...but I guess that was our way of saying "I like you! Hello!" We even had our own song. It was "No One Else Comes Close" by Joe. We would slow dance to it all the time. We even fell in love... Yup, we pretty much did everything couples do. Besides the physical stuff. |