By Misti
Date: 2002 Apr 24
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I'll Love Me Enough For You

No. Don't love me.
I'm a bitch. I'll hold a mirror
to your face and make you look.
I opened Pandora's Box a long
time ago. I ate the apple.
I know more than you think
I know.
I've survived more than you've
I take risks. You don't.
Exchanging phone numbers
doesn't count.
See, like I said...
I'm a bitch.
I also have a bit of the restless whore
in me
and yes, I wrangle with that daily.
I imagine, I fantasize, I create
rabid...on fire.
You don't need to love me.
I don't need your approval.
Hold the applause.
I can be goofy and irreverent
and stupid and tacky and meaner
than a drunk ex football player
in Odessa.
Monsoon season only comes once a year
and lasts approximately three months.
My moods darken and destroy much more
I do not have a college degree.
I do not make a shitload of money.
I do not have a posse of party buddies.
I try too hard to get attention.
I'll tap dance for the lowest bidder.
But like Stuart Smalley
I am learning to love myself despite the mud.
I'm not asking you
to wash it off.