By Misti
Date: 2002 Apr 27
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Cocktail Crucifixion

I am stripped
needing much more than
I can express

but I am hanging in the corner
out of sight
a 39 cent thrift shop painting
people are too gleeful
Cuba Libras
Bloody Marias
Slow Comfortable Screws
in hand
high on witty banter
and sexual innuendos
to notice my gore

stretched to the limit
then curled up
a ravaged fetus
screaming but like a dream
no sound comes

and the talk turns
to Voice Stream Wireless
then some new model of some car
I don't care enough to remember
then Radiohead
and some new game for some new game system
all I know is it's not Atari

blood gushes from a new wound
I hope I die soon
should I leave him a letter or a poem?

why are they so goddamn happy?
they are blind in the third eye
and so secure in their boxes
no one gets in
and nothing
gets out