By Cyan
Date: 2002 May 15
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Morning Madness

Solace at dawn is what I miss the most
Chirping birds give a sound of
bitter sweetness

I pull the covers over my head
as the sun breaks through my window

This is truly the worst part of the day
Your body beside me not too long ago
Now replaced with an empty cold space

I wonder what you're doing with your arms now
The arms that use to hold me in the solace at dawn

You're probably typing away at some overdue project
from work. I miss the sound of those keys as
the morning sun shone on your determined face.

I miss cooking you breakfast
Although I wasn't very good at it
You seemed to enjoy every bite

Eggs, bacon, biscuit, and black coffee
where your favorite I remember

I pull myself from bed as I have the past
sixty-five miserable mornings
I place an x on the calender "March 15"
as if to mark the days until your return

I stand in the bathroom mirror and stare
Memories flash by and I capture a moment
My face begins to dampen and I taste salt

Something tumbles on the floor
I run into the next room hoping
upon hope that it's you

Instead I'm faced with a crazy cat
as I listen to the silence of hell
and the echo of your absence