By Jon
Date: 2002 Jun 01
Comment on this Work

The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit

I don't believe in God, but I don't think there isn't one either. I'd like to believe there is an all-powerful God that loves us unconditionally. That would be nice...really nice.

I think I'm one of those types that will confess the existence of God on my death bed.

Heck, I've always saved everything for the last minute.

Or maybe not.

I just don't really care. I guess you can say I'm Catholic, I grew up in a Filippino family and Filippinos are generally Catholic, so, whenever someone asks I just say "Sure, I'm Catholic." just to not start an argument or whatever.

And also for some reason every girl I am romantically involved with tries to pursuade me to follow them in their faith.

And each one fails.

So, really, what makes you think you are going to be any different?

I forgot who said it but someone said something along these lines;

"Arguing over which religion is the correct one is like arguing over who has the better imaginary friend."

Fair enough?

But next time you talk to your God....

Tell him I said thanks for sending you into my life.