By Rhetoric
Date: 2002 Jun 04
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Route 35 East

Route 35 East

Over each rolling hill, I come closer
to seeing my way to loving you.
Sprawling grasses and bright green shoots
of corn, sway like mighty metaphors
to catch my eye.
"Over here, see how fresh the field can be;
if you would just let us grow."
Those songs and sights are my romantic muses.
With each divot and ghastly pothole,
I swerve to avoid the thump of yet, another,
terrible pause in my one track mind;
I am following the river home.
How this landscape, this trek from heart to home,
does mirror a scared girls vision of what love should be.
All this space,
filled with asphalt and memories,
concrete and dreams.
I wonder if I will ever make it home,
or just arrive where I stop?