By Bridget O
Date: 2002 Jun 25
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This is the order
And this is the way things go.....
First I get the box out.
There are exactly 10 pouches of Scooby Doo gummies.
I use my teeth to rip off one side of the package.
Then I start walking toward the trashcan and dump out the gummies into my hand.
Throw out the package.
There are exactly 6 flavors of Scooby Doo gummies.
And this is the way things go.....
First I eat the yellows,
Then orange
Then red
Then greens
Then blues.
I used to give the purples to you
Because purples make me sick.
But for the last three months I've been feeding them to Coal,
my dog.
Next I run my tongue around my mouth, tasting all of the flavors.
Then I wonder how many grape gummies Coal can eat.
And remember how sometimes you didn't want my grape gummies
but you ate them anyway.
And that is the way things go.....