By Jon A
Submitted by Jon
Date: 2002 Jul 08
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im just starting to get over
the realization
that i will never date a super model
im stuck with the
petite, but beautiful
normal, but sexy
women of reality
baby im stuck with you
and im okay with it
imagine what sort of sad crap
i would write if i ever
hooked up with a girl
who looked anything like
Jennifer Lopez

i wish i were famous
because then that would
automatically mean
i can sing
and i can act
and i can release a book
and people will buy it
regardless of who actually wrote it
i wouldnt need any talent
just a name
i'd change my name to
Jon A
and never tell people what the "A" means
just so i can keep that sexual mystery
on my name

i wish i was a rockstar
i would have a ton of groupies
just begging to give me
sexual favors
i'd record all of our encounters
and release them on the internet
just to increase my already growing

i'd work out my abs
get chisled
and become a sex symbol
then ruin it all
by making some notorious claim
like im bigger than Jesus Christ
or I am the chosen one
i'd do it just to piss people off
so they can burn my records
and i could go down in history
hands in the air middle finger raised
smiling the whole way down
to the bottom
of the pop scene

i'd do the drugs
do the girls
live the life
almost lose my mind
then lose it all
but i'd still come home
to sing
just for you baby