By Jon
Date: 2002 Aug 01
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For Stacey

my lady
don't avoid rap
because you can't get past the swearing
listen to Tupac
feel the pain
feel the depth
and understand what it means
to feel life
from a different perspective
don't drive at 35mph
because you're afraid of 60
roll your windows down
fly down the highway(safely of course)
let the wind in your hair
and dont even try to think
just drive and smile
don't avoid Trance because you can't dance
just throw your legs around
and move your hips side to side
go to a rave and understand the concept
of Peace, Love, Unity and Respect
and dance the night away
my lady
never compromise your dreams
in order to fufill the wishes of another
never bow down to the status quo
dont avoid that shade of brown
because no one else matches in it
live your life
how you would want it to be lived
never ever compromise your dreams
for me
because my lady
i've only dreamt of you
and you've already came true

go out and find what makes you happy
im still going to be here