By Foolish
Date: 2002 Aug 02
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I just needed to tell you this...

It's been another one of those days, and I'm frustrated with you.  Where were you?  I was sitting right next to you, but you weren't there.  Your mind was astray, upon someone else, someone you seemingly care much more for.  Why do you even call on me?  To satisfy your selfish needs?  What about me?  My needs?  Your cares are not of me, but the one who stays on your mind night and day, and it hurts.  Funny you, I laugh in agony.  You know me so well, of my trials and tribulations, of the burdens in my life, of the things I've conquered and of all the things that have defeated me.  Yet you know nothing about the extent of my love for you.  The power it holds.  You would think it would be obvious.  I hold on to every word that rolls off of your tongue.  Savor every moment your skin lingers on mine.  Long for the times your inquisitive eyes explore me, but you still haven't figured it out yet...