By Stephen
Date: 2002 Aug 05
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Knights on Windswept Prowl

         The knights of grass are talking

                  They say pearl blemishes in morning

                             And soft moss spreads on evening

                     Replenished in their daylight they say

        Are misgivings and thoughtless kittens' prancing

  And in the whim of regenerative spirits

     They collaborate joy and happiness with new beginnings

       They watch them dance and play like dog-fight afoot

          Tagging to and fro with callow purposes

              Our noble soldiers give their lives to these

     Cause they find rectification in the ivory filled eclipse

  When the children come down from play

    And lay their tired bloom to rest in perennial arms

     "Youth on the prow and pleasure at the helm"

           And the innuendo pressed, simmering, and prowl

                The knightly Greens' hammock to their nonage love

                        And they cuddle hours away beyond the sundown