By prezioso
Date: 2002 Aug 07
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   I did not know where to begin getting over this except right back where I started. Adding quality to my eccentric life style and using woman to consume the time I once dedicated to thoughts of you. She was not as sexy as you, but she was beautiful. Nicaraguan, not Puerto Rican at least. Educated straight from college but not open-minded as you were. She only made me smile once during the entire date. She did feel me missing you once that night. I knew the habanera song was coming, and when Carmen exercised those chords it clawed my heart. She said in French, "take guard for my love is fierce and strong, take heed lover" I felt drawn to you again. Ifelt destined to take siege on your heart and capture all your obsessions. I am glad she broke my concentration by asking what's wrong. Though I just softly said nothing. I don't want to move on but I know it's my only option. I always said I wouldn't chase or whine. I would just simply walk away if you didn't want me. And tough guys don't break their promises. I will always wonder what irreversible turn we made though. You can blame it on my jealousy and I can blame it on your infidelity. Eiterway, it matters not. Only that I push on like a father, like a man, like a professional. Hiding the compassion and avoiding the schemes of women.