By Jon
Date: 2002 Aug 28
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cart return

my brother,
you're ten years younger than me
we're seperated by a whole decade
and the 80' missed the retro
dont worry you didnt miss much
and despite your age
i can already tell
when you reach my age
you're going to be one handsome young man
girls will be lining up outside your bedroom door
so i want you to read this now
and then read it later
when you can understand it
and just know that you're brother
wasn't so lame as he may seem

since we have the same blood
flowing through our veins
i'm pretty sure you're going to end up
a hopeless romantic like daddy and I
and I'm pretty sure
you're going to be looking for answers
wish i could give you some bro
but I don't have any
ten years older and I still don't have any
I can only offer you advice on what not to do

so bro,
all i can say is
no matter how dark it may get
no matter how many tears may be shed
just don't give up on love
it will be hard, yes
but no one ever said it was going to be easy
and im telling you right now it's not
at points you're going to feel like dying
at points you will feel dead
but everything in life comes in seasons
it will pour and it will hail
just stand firm bro and remember
you've got my blood in your veins
and if i got through it
then you will too
trust me
everything just takes time
that's all

and in case you turn into the opposite
of a hopeless romantic
i want you to know
that everything that you send out
will come around,
believe me...i know

bro you're going to be one good looking guy
so try not to break too many hearts
when you get out there in the game
and don't give yours away so easily
it will only lead to a broken heart
i told you it wasnt easy huh?

oh and one more thing bro
when you leave the grocery store
with a shopping cart
make sure to return it to cart return
it's just rude not to
that has nothing to do with romance
i just dont want you to be an ass too