By E'Ullie Fitzhugh aka Rennie Lorca
Submitted by RennieLorca
Date: 2002 Sep 02
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You came in smiling like a young boy,
your hands gently cradling roses.
Beautiful, fragile, ephemeral delights.
You compared them to me,
after I had given them sufficient praise.

Your next loving gift was buttercups,
picked from a nearby field.
I treasure the idea that you would
take the time to collect this bounty.
Your time became the actual gift to me.

Through the years there were flowers,
even blooming weeds presented to me.
All short-lived gifts like their bearer;
but as gifts, eternal as you
will always remain in my memory.

(c) 1998-2002 E'Ullie Fitzhugh aka Rennie Lorca

As long as he lived, for some reason, my husband kept me supplied with fresh flowers.