By Rennie Lorca
Submitted by RennieLorca
Date: 2002 Sep 12
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Odes That (Mighta) Got You PO'd

Odes That (Mighta) Got You PO'd

I once wrote an ode to the leaking boat you row'd,
and another about the garden you never hoe'd.
And a ode to your durned howling blue duck.
And your cheap rat-trap 4 x 4 pick-em-up truck.

Then there was the ode to your nagging mother,
yeah, and one about your durned bumming brother.
Plus, I found another stinging ode I almost forgot --
old expensive-cheap gun that you sneaked and got.
Which reminds me about my ode on groping buddy Bill.
I used that hairtrigger gun to chase him off this hill!

And there was a sad ode about your little paycheck,

and it going for a beer party on your big bass boat deck.
A mad ode to your banker for giving you that loan,
that made it possible to buy her that home!
NOW I'm really getting down to it, an ode to a banshee;
my ode to your girlfriend when she turned all of 20.

I guess these odes were something I never showed,

or our divorce and your temper would have blowed!
But I still got a few more odes simmering in me,
of one kind of aggravation or another.
I'm tossing them out everywhere soon for free.
So tuck it in, baby, or run for cover!

(c) 2002 Maggie Mink aka Rennie Lorca