By whisper
Date: 2002 Sep 12
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istanbul at sunset

the sunset glows with a hue unknown to the new world
needle like minarettes pierce the sky, killing the day
while the great domes of the mosques swell in the half light and give birth to the night
in our rooftop theatre we see it all
the sun slowly gives way to the moon
grudgingly sinking beneath the horizon
and in its death throes
i catch a glimpse of your beauty
the strands of your hair that never seem to leave their place on your cheek no matter how many times you tuck them behind your ear.
the way your eyes always look like they are about to shed a tear
the curve of your neck where it meets your chest
i sit for a moment, transfixed by your beauty
but then you sense my stare and turn to look me in the eye
i cannot bear that gaze, those eyes that can see into my very soul
i make a funny face and you do the same
the moment passes and you never know
what happens to my heart every time i look at you