By wistful
Date: 2002 Oct 20
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The Phoenix

Burning, multi-faceted brilliance
Flying fast and free.
You race from perilous peak to peak
and sing the search for your soul's mate.
Your song fills all the downward-looking,
bleak, lost, sun-starved souls
who hear its call to rise above themselves
and yet, you remain unfed.

Once you met a burnished beauty
searing with fire all her own,
who flew as far and fast as you.
And so you soared together
Swiftly circling ever higher
Entwined in every way until
The atmosphere became too thin
and the inferno stilled.

Now, you seek to be reborn
from the smoldering pyre
Ever brilliant, flying free
Ever burning, but not knowing
How to stretch to to greater heights
And though complete, you softly sing:
Where is the one to fan this fire?
Who fortifies this inner light?

The painful past its lesson tells:
Join flame to flame and burn too bright,
and be consumed, too soon.
But what is fuel to flame, but air?
Come, my love, and let me breath
a gentle wind to buoy you up
And glide above the winds of care
to heavens only we can share.