By Jon
Date: 2002 Nov 18
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california love

i'd like to fall in love with you
underneath the twinkle of the stars
but here in Southern California
the smog won't allow us to
i'd like to take a walk with you
down a secluded beach
but then again
I dont think you like brown sea water
i'd like to say i'd die for you
but around here that's just too easy
with all of the gangs
and the gangs that
dont consider themselves gangs
so how about i live for you instead?
i'd like to go crusing with you
down the streets or the freeways
but the traffic would drive us crazy
and you don't want to see my road rage
but it really isn't that bad
here in Southern California
i mean we do have Disneyland
well so does Florida, France and Japan
but then again we do have the Lakers
yeah the Lakers!
wait..we shouldnt watch one of their games
i dont feel like being in a riot after it
but still there are still a few places
around here that havent sold out yet
haven't been affected by the gangs,
the violence, the rolling blackouts,
the earthquakes, the pollution, the brush fires,
police brutality, and Gray Davis
there are still a few places around here
that still have that hint of
Hollywood magic left in it
like right here
you and me
but still
i'd like to fall in love with you
underneath the twinkle of the stars
but the smog will just have to do