By Walking Contradiction
Date: 2002 Dec 11
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One Night Walk

Three mile insane walks in high heels
In the rain and the cold
Tho you told me it was 10 mins away
By racing car maybe
Three AM draws nearer and it becomes clear
It'll take all night to make it back
And the drizzle clears my mind
And the alcohol unwinds from my system;
In the dim light I see you as a mesh
Of Mr Cancer Man with a bit of Carrot soup
And tho it's not fair to compare
For you certainly aren't to the soup standard of dancer
Or have Mr Cancer's need for speed
I need the comparisons to detract
From that beauty in your eyes
Which, when we finally do get back
Could lead us to the unwise conclusion
Of a love affair that will be be over
By the time the sun has risen and
then can we be forgiven by the gosippers?
Fortunately I can delude myself for long enough
For nothing seriously wrong to occur
And when I see you in the office the next day
There's nothing for us to say except a smile...
Which is more than before.