By Vera Stanley Adler Submitted by Inflatable Sushi Date: 2002 Dec 14 Comment on this Work [[2002.]] |
"...many people dissipate their energy and strength to such an extent while young that they never reach the flowering of their greatest faculties of all. They live and die without ever tasting the ultimate triumphs of human existence. They are never able to feel that they have made any knowledge really their own - that they know any one fundamental fact-of-life - what they are, why they are here or to what progressing! They live always like the man who said: THE ONLY THING CERTAIN IN LIFE IS DOUBT They admit their dark ignorance by scoffing at the bare possibility of such knowledge, refusing to see that right down the ages there has been a vast accumulation of 'circumstantial evidence' compiled for their own heritage and benefit. They continue to muddle along interminably in their STAGNANT GROOVES." |