By Walking Contradiction
Date: 2002 Dec 16
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Venting Again!!!

Venting again,
With a little pain and contempt
For your existance,
What is meant by your actions?
When it's her that you want,
Can relate to,
Will be great with,
And I like her,
But I like you,
Which isn't right,
Why should I fight?
When she likes you,
And you like her,
And you'd be good together,
What would occur?
If we started something?
Haven't we already?
I've got to slow down my thoughts,
They're dancing, I'm getting giddy.
Yet you've took her number,
But nothing more,
No 'Just checking' for her
No ride home, yet,
No I trust you's,
No arguements,
Like us, tho I don't know you!
I need to know what my next move should be,
I need to know who/what you want,
I need to know what people are saying,
But then again I don't.
They're all trying to set you up with her,
They've given up on me,
Yet I'm not quite sure if you have,
Have I? I have to ask me.
Please throw me a line here,
Just to let me know the score,
Because I damned if I'm going to let you treat me like this,
Or if I'm going to take anymore!