By Rennie Lorca (ignore AnnLeigh's whimpering)
Submitted by RennieLorca
Date: 2002 Dec 16
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Who loves me now, more tenderly, devotedly;
saw me first, sans vanity, to mop my brow.
Breathed life into me, and somehow
put himself between me and lost eternity.

Showed me reason, listened to my rhymes.
Gave me the gift of a sweet smile.
Convinced me there would be better times.
Walked with me each tortured mile.

Until I finally saw in the first glorious sunrise,
all the fine things he assured me existed.
Things I believed only danced in his eyes,
these truths I once resisted:

Nothing means more than passion in life.
Like drawing in each breath, caring.
Each sunrise and sunset with less strife,
by putting a hand and trust in sharing.

Indeed, each bird's song becomes sweeter.
The scents of morning sucked in deeper.
The twilight's light lingers for the greeter;
and real arms of solace for the weeper.

Tears of pain, he collected with the evening dew.
By morning, I gazed out to a new ocean view.
Thorny wood, he pulls from my wounded side.
Today, see them a grand brigantine at high tide.

And dare you doubt this one tale of fantasy,
or want to believe in some other reality ...
The ocean is better known as Devotion,
the brigantine is again the Romance.

(c) 2002 Rennie Lorca (with AnnLeigh insisting on some credit when "fantasy" is mentioned) ;-)