By Kase
Date: 2002 Dec 16
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My Little BoogieMan

I watch him sleeping,
eyelashes against his cheek,
hair the color of a wheat field,
arms wrapped around a red power-ranger,
probably dreaming of fighting "monsters"
in his black or white
Good versus evil world,
where the good guy always wins.

I wonder to myself
how God could have trusted me
with something so valuable,
so beautiful,
so flawless.

Alabaster skin,
so smooth and soft,
and tiny fingers
clenched into tiny fists,
as he conquers his own battles
and becomes King of his own world
in dreamland.

One day he will wake up
and seem to have doubled in
size and intellect
And he will put away childish things,
as all little fellows
will some day have to.

I will wake up
on the same morning
and wonder where he run off to,
my little red power ranger,
and always the King of my world.