By Corinna
Date: 2002 Dec 18
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A Mother's Thoughts

I lost my temper twice today
You stayed out all-night and slept all day.
I know you're an adult now and want to have fun
But there are things around here that need to be done
When you don't come home I worry about you
I don't know where you are or what happened to you
I've worked hard to give you a good life
I've tried to be a good mother as well as a good wife
All I ask is that you help me once in a while
It doesn't take much to make me smile
Sometimes I wish you were still a baby
You were so sweet and innocent even when you drove me crazy.
I know things are hard for you right now
I also know that it'll all work out somehow.
You may hate my lectures and wish I'd give it a rest
But I only do this because I love you and wish you the best.

Feb. 24, 2002