By andrea dworkin
Submitted by Trout Almondine
Date: 2003 Feb 08
Comment on this Work


"My main problem is not as much with the adultery as with the lying. I don't want to be lied to. That means your whole sense of reality is a lie, that you're standing on ground and you don't even know what ground it is. I still recoil when I remember how I was lied to in my first marriage over 30 years ago. I was lied to surrounding everything, adultery included. What is it about keeping adultery a secret that makes it more fun? I think it contributes to making sex seem dirty, bad, shameful. And I consider it deeply dishonoring to lie. Especially in this age of AIDS and other STDs. Once you start keeping secrets like that, you've essentially said, 'I'm willing to sacrifice this relationship, I don't respect this person, I don't care about them."