By Jon
Date: 2003 Feb 13
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Reasons Part 4

UCLA is a great school. The campus is one of nicest I've seen and the diversity in culture just invades your nostrils and you can just smell the melting pot. I made friends very easily. College is different, from my experience, people are just generally in a very friendly mood and there are no cases of popularity because there are thousands of new students arriving every semester. That first year at UCLA helped me get over Stacey and my bitterness. It's hard being bitter and heartbroken in such a rewarding academic center.

I excelled in my classes, had many friends and along with it many dates. Had a few girlfriends here and there. Tried out new things. Some I enjoyed and some I regret. Did a few things I'm proud of and did a few things I'm not proud of. There is no use in me writing about my antics. I guess you can say I was quenching my thirst for life. Or maybe it was just the testosterone. I won't bore you with the details(too late huh?). Whatever the case, in general, that first year of college was fun.

One Saturday night I met Lynda at a coffee shop near the campus. She was arguing with the cashier because apparently they had made her espresso wrong. Lynda had brown hair down to her shoulders and I couldn't tell at the time if she was Vietnamese or Filipino or both but she was beautiful. I walked up behind her and I told her I could fix it because I used to work at a Starbucks up in Washington. All I did was put some "Sweet and Low" in it but she said it tasted perfect. We started talking from there and we ended up talking until they kicked us out. I asked if I could see her again and she told me to meet her again at the same coffee shop next Saturday...and I did.

I'm not sure what happened that night. Maybe we missed each others gestures and signals but we walked away thinking the other one just wanted to be friends. I think we were just too afraid to make a move. After that night we ended up just being friends.

But we all know what happens when two people that are attracted to each other start off as friends...