By Champagne
Date: 2003 Feb 15
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Death Knell Comparisons

The poems of sheer glory
a heart that is won
the prose of a love lost
of a romance undone

Which is much sweeter
to the love craving soul
the romance that's lost
or the half that is whole

Which is more poignant
to the lovesick lorn  brain
the tear of pure joy
or the tear of heart's pain

Can anyone tell me
Why we never tire
to hear all the words
of their glory and mire

Climb to the heights
of passion they sing
Then down to the depths
as the death knell does ring

The words of their poem
they sing out to me
the cradle of courtship
the lover's last plea

They gloat at the prospect
of the new love they found
They writhe when it's over
A terrible sound

Both are enthralling
to the ear of romance
the words of love's passion
the lover's last dance
