By ladyinwaiting
Date: 2003 Feb 25
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Here is the trunk
before me it waits
I look at it with fear at times
and sometimes it stares back

Today I will go look and see
what is held inside

Dust off the top
damn, where's the key

miss placed somewhere
where could it be
there it is,
I threw it away

It once was to my heart
and today it is found
I wonder if it still works
Let me go see

Open the top
am I ready for this?

Yes, today is the day
that I will be set free

So bright inside
I never imagined that

Look...right here on the top
is the Bible you gave me
so I would never be alone
how quickly we forget sometimes
You held my hand when I
was first starting all this
you were such a special friend
and  a special gift
thank you

And look at this...
the vase you sent me from Spain
when you missed me
and loved me
but, I was not ready yet
Three years of my life I gave you
it hurt so bad when it was over
I never thought I could love like that
but today we are now friends
and  I thank you for the journey

And here...look here
the shoes from when we went sailing
when I spread my wings
and set sail
today I still fly
you saw in me
what I could be
thank you for believing

here's the note to me
from when
I went into hiding
built walls to soul search
reflect on past
humbled to say the least
but, you climbed the wall
and brought me back
I still laugh when I think of that
thank you for your friendship

And this...
how I tried to love you
and for you to love me
here are the diamonds
so bright
they were never meant for me
after all the pain
and the tears
somehow we have managed
to be friends of sort
sometimes you still
hurt me with your words
but inside I still live
all I can do is look at you
with compassion
and say thank you for the lesson

and this...oh my
you have added to my collection
of angels so bright
for you are one of them
so complimentary
and kind
the laughter we shared
how I wish I could have
seen me through your eyes
I will always hold you close
to my heart
a space that you filled
you are so beautiful
thank you for for bringing me new life

Oh my...look at this...look at this
here is my check list
one that I made
many years ago
no one would ever be
able to fill this

But here...
you have managed to
meet the list
we have traveled the same roads
lived the same life
have the same dreams
I look for answers
they seem to have been
given to me long ago
brought back to life
through photos
and dreams
and look you have the same list
how strange this all seems
for this I will empty the trunk