By Jon
Date: 2003 Mar 01
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i'll stop right here
with my endless love cliches
no this isn't satire
or even sarcasam
this is a true love poem
from the depths of my mind
born onto paper
with only you in mind
i'll take this pen
and mix it up a bit
spew a phrase here
and drop a line there
just so you know
how much I really do care
i'll string the words together
in a very careful fashion
just so you can see
how long it really took me
to make you see the inner me
i'll make it rhyme and flow
because i know that's what you like
even though i hate rhyming
because it makes me sound contrived
but i speak and write the truth
i know nothing more
than what has been taught to me
in grade school
but if there is one thing
i've learned from kindergarten
is that the truth will set me free
and that naps are good for me
and so are you