By bp
Date: 2003 Mar 22
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Woe the confused man...

....his feet implanted steadfast
in the pessimism of his soul.
His wandering is for naught
lest he fall short his final goal.

Arms made once for reaching
hang lifeless at his side,
hands once firm and strong
now weak through injured pride.

Eyes which scan horizons
for good which lay ahead,
now scan the barron waste of life;
so fruitless and so dead.

A heart once big enough to house the world
so innocent from birth.
Let not this heart partake in now
love's merriment and mirth.

His mind, his final touch w/ life
the leader of his soul.
Now weak or dead through inner strife
can't reach a single goal.

Is there a God so cruel
to make this jest of life?
Man is God's finest tool,
if this is so then why?