By Chances
Date: 2003 Mar 26
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Number Four

The number four has something for me right now

Maybe it's the four women I've known
The women I've had close friendships with
That I've brought into my home
The women he brought into my home
What you find out when you talk
When you think you can make a new start

Maybe it's four years I'm taking
To fulfil my dream of dancing
I stopped when labelled a slut
For dancing and then
When my precious world crashed
Now I will dance again

Maybe it's the fourth year
That I've brought up my daughter
And I know how important she is
How resilient she is
How much she is like me
She shows me how strength grows

Maybe it's the four boyfriends
I've ever had in my life
Including my husband
That says it's time
To let myself move on
And find a real man

Maybe it's the fourth time I let you go
It took to realise it's you I love
And maybe it's much too late
Maybe I can't help it anymore
Perhaps I will wait four years
Before I stop hoping for you

Maybe it's the fourth month
Since I started the cleanup of my life
Order is coming out of the chaos
And I may not like it
But at least I can see the truth of it
And it's pretty ugly

Maybe it's the fourth time
That I tried to stop writing poetry
Of course I can't
It's in my blood now - as they say
And it lets me talk to you right now
It gives me somewhere to talk