By ladyinwaiting
Date: 2003 Mar 26
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Mowing the lawn

You have been here for years
One of my best friends
The one I tell my dreams too
The one I run to when things get crazy
The one I share my deepest secrets with

You always pick me up when I am down
you have watched my children grow up
you have shared love and laughter with us
Yet, you have remained just a friend

You have told me and told me
to hang on to the one that mows my lawn
I never have figured out that one
what does mowing my lawn have to do with anything

My grass is growing
I can't get the weed eater started
and if I am lucky
I find one day a week that I get to mow

Then I look out my window
and there you are as always
mowing my lawn

Maybe I look to deep for the answers
always playing detective
trying to figure out what the mystery is

Maybe it is just to simple for me
because you are my friend