By jwb71913
Date: 2003 Mar 28
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You Called Today

I can't believe you called today
I heard your lovely voice
I'd been thinking how you'd found your way
You made the only choice

Your tone was cautious and unsure
I could tell it was hard for you
I tried to tell you so many things
But I must have been unsure too

So we talked of things familiar and safe
Of golf, and garden and family
And though we mentioned missing
You made no promise to me

I'm getting over you, I think
Each day is getting better
But I come home and crack a drink
And wait for your next letter

I thought today of following
Of throwing to the wind
The boy, the house, the life I have
Hoping this wasn't the end

I loved you then, I love you now
My heart heals more each day
Soon I'll fondly think of you
And be glad you went away

The edge is way too far for me
The fall is much too fast
I climbed and fell with you before
Knowing it would not last

The pain is almost gone right now
And August seems so far
Adventure waits on salmon scow
And some Alaskan bar

I hope you dance and have some fun
With awesome joy and power
The ratio I'm told is ten to one
So many seek your flower

But think of me when nights grow cold
Of kisses warm and tender
No one you meet, not young or old
Will love you on this blender