By willtobe1
Date: 2003 Mar 29
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Unrequitable, part 5

But wait wait wait wait!
I could go "on and on," I would think, for forever
With nothing to stop me since there's nobody here
You can't stiffen up, pull away with a shiver
Since I'm rubbing no shoulders, I whisper no ear
My words must be sent out with breath-holding trust
But what if I'm sending: fear, anger, disgust?
That clouds your eyes into a dull vacant stare
Instead of the brightness I feel, and would share
Did I gather too much from that now-distant Look?
Was the Feeling unfounded that from it I took?
And yet even as I'm confounded with doubt
And wonder if I should just scrap all these lines
That magical Look that you gave comes back out
From inside me, and how it still glitters and shines!
So I will send this out! As my feeling demands
I will trust that Look!  I must take the chance!
Then we might for a time at least distantly dance
And if it was good, if you liked it, and then
You should ever just happen to see me again
Just tip me a Look, and a wink and a grin
Telling me you agree!
Something More MIGHT HAVE BEEN!!!