By Dylan Kwiatkowski
Submitted by Dylan Kwiatkowski
Date: 2003 Apr 16
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'Make me a Promise'

"Make me a promise,"

"Promise me that you'll eventually be happy.  That one day a smile will once again dance across your lips. Let the thought of loving another bring a twinkle to your eyes, like that of the morning sun skipping across the water.  Let the touch of the one that you love bring the most wonderful sensations to life, send chills to the bottom of your spine, and make your heart flutter.  Promise me that one day you'll give love another chance; that you won't let the failures of past relationships get in the way of new and beautiful experiences.  Trust me, this is your heart talking.  Let me guide you down the path of love, a path that is a long journey full of obstacles and rewards.  A path with the greatest reward of all waiting at the end."