By Mysteriousone07 Date: 2003 Apr 18 Comment on this Work [[2003.]] |
What is there in me that they seem to be spellbound by this BEAUTY they speak of? I'm in my own little world minding my own business And suddenly they are attracted to me Out of the blue Me having no clue What is there in me that gets them so attached Suddenly drawing them towards me Is there something they see That I don't see Where they seem to rely on me They are comfortable around me That they see themselves being with me for all eternity? It is flattering to have someone admire one's BEAUTY But I'm not pretty Nor do I see this BEAUTY they speak of Yet I don't understand why they are drawn attached with ME A girl whom nothing to offer The obstacles in between Afraid they can't handle This BEAUTY they speak of Why don't I see This attraction that they get attached to me I don't know where it came from I haven't done anything so I ponder and ponder Over and over Why me? What is this BEAUTY they speak of? Whom are they speaking about? Me? That can't be They can find another better Sound crazy for me to say Just can't figure out why it's that way Guess I need to find This BEAUTY they see in me Why they get attached to me Where I'm too blind to see Just maybe MAYBE If I look hard enough I could see This BEAUTY they are speaking of!! |