By Kindred_spirit49
Date: 2003 May 08
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Softly I caressed
this sensual form
held apprehensively  
... in my arms...
while my inhibitions dissolved
into the beauty of you
as hand to my hand
and breast to my chest
you danced this dance
.........of me..
I clenched your will
to the palm of my soul
feeling the delicate
........ bond of us
full length to the floor

as sated we flowed
with silent passion
spilling over us..
and the fluid motion
of old lovers
filling the room..
with the damp memories
of tomorrow
as I ran my hand
down the back of your hair
and with a moan
I murmured to you
then held your face
In both of my hands
and looked deep
into yesterdays past
to feel you stir
a thousand moves
in that intimate way
as you danced
..this dance with me