By Kindred_Spirit49
Date: 2003 May 10
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“We need to talk”

As these words spilled onto my ears
my world began to crumble.

and I instinctively crawled back into my shell
because I know that soon,
the ache in my heart will flood my senses
destroying all rational thought

I felt your words as you spoke.
they were hoarse, heavy and filled with pain
and they echoed through the emptiness of my soul

can everyone see  the tears of despair
that now streak my face
as my dreams of loving you
...always and forever
slip from between my fingers
to burst into an thousand irreplaceable shards
at the impact of your words  

as you walked away  
the unfulfilled expectations of a lifetime
hung from my soul
with the unbearable  weight    
of all my  dreams ........... now denied

and the darkness of this moment
magnifies the hollow beat now gripping
the desperate reality of rejection

with the slow suffocation of my soul
I slowly sink into the thick despair
that the final realization of life will be without you
and that the final temptation of life
was the dream of possessing you