By SterlingRose Date: 2003 Jun 17 Comment on this Work [[2003.]] |
I must be honest with myself, my attraction to him was based upon his looks. But then, he was the sphinx - unattainable, unreachable, unspeakable so I had little else to go on. His jet black hair and his soft green eyes silhouetted his handsome face like a cameo of jade in a dark haunted setting. He moved in deliberate stride a large dark sleek cat on an endless prowl. His smile and dimpled cheeks were a sexy combination of seductive virginity Still young enough to blush bright red yet suave and sophisticated enough to deny complete innocence. One night I found the courage to approach him in the aftermath of six margeritas and a few rum and cokes. In a brazen attempt to receive a token of his affection I solicited his attention in the wee hours of the morning in his parent's cozy kitchen. Asking him plaintively if he liked me - His reply forever ended all the interest that I ever had in him. What did he say? "Come up to my bedroom and I will show you how much I like you." Words of doom for sure. All he offered me was his carnal lust so I never came back for more. |