By Misti
Date: 2003 Jul 10
Comment on this Work

Chinese For Ouch (a tattoo idea)

Subj: Tattoo I Greatly Desire!!!  
Date: 7/10/03 4:42:56 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Mistivlake

Click here: Ouch!

I will be in Las Vegas this Sunday until Tuesday. I have always wanted to get a tattoo but was never sure what I wanted to get. I spent about an hour tonight searching the Net for a symbol of Mnemosyne, the Greek goddess of memory because I am going to get a chapbook at Kinko's printed with that title. I couldn't find anything, just a bunch of crap. I thought it would be cool to get Mnemosyne in Chinese, but no luck. So I found this image that I love! It's Chinese for Ouch! That's the funniest idea I think I've ever had...getting a tattoo that says "ouch!" because I am a big baby. I've heard that it isn't good to get drunk before you get stuck because you will bleed. I don't care if I bleed 'cause I won't see it. I want the tattoo on my lower back. I was drunk when I lost my virginity and I will have to be drunk for this, too. So how long do you think it would take and how much would it cost? I would like to get the "ouch" in black and the exclamation mark in red. Is that possible? Could you do a smaller yet legible version? I hope we can meet soon!

misti lake