By Champagne
Date: 2003 Jul 26
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At breakfast this morning I bet
that it was going to be hot enough today
to go swimming.
He said it wouldn't be.
I bet that it would reach at least 90 degrees.
He bet it wouldn't go over 80.
The bet was on.
We raced home after lunch out
to check the outdoor thermometer
to see who would win.
yes, who would be right.
Wait a minute - what was the wager?
He bet that if he was right
he wanted me to make love to him
for the next ten days - non-stop.
You do have to go to work; I reminded him.
So what was my wager?
I wagered that if I was right
we would make love for the next ten days
but NOT non-stop.
The wagers were set
agreed on the bet
would we get wet?
But wait !!
Who really wins ?
That non-stop thing
sounded a little more
like punishment than pleasure !!??
Guess who won the bet?