By Misti
Date: 2003 Aug 12
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Leo's Perspective

you came to me more easily
and with more grace
than the magic of my real name
revealed to me on my knees
on the dirt floor of the sanctuary
transfixed by the glitter of Orion's Belt
through the high window
you came to me
not like rain to the mesa
you were the blackest cloud
throwing your shadow down
you came with bone casting thunder
all my cousins hid under the dust
among the jars of summer's harvest
but I stood alone with arms raised high
you were the storm I was warned about
my grandpa told me about
She With Raven Tresses
She With Crazy Laugh
She With Nimble Feet
he knew you would not be afraid of
anything or anyone
especially me

and it was all true
but I was not warned of the surge
the painful swelling
and drowning
needing you more than the answer
I prayed and danced for
when I figured out I was alone
in my enchantment
and everyone around me was zombiefied
I did not dream of this aching
taking you into myself
absorbing and filling
and begging for the promise of the infinite
in your arms