By Chrissy Date: 2003 Aug 12 Comment on this Work [[2003.]] |
She tosses her cell phone to the side as tears well in her eyes. She told him she was ok when he asked her what was wrong. The plethora of emotions slowly work their way from her heart to her mouth, intertwining and melding into one. The end result spills out of her mouth in the form of "I Hate You." Over and over those words come forth and mix on the desk below with the tears from her eyes. Yet the emotion on the desk and the emotion in her heart are like oil and vinegar. The questions in her mind start to head downwards, sure to be a repeat of her emotions. She reaches for her phone, and rehearses what she wants to say. The call is never placed because the questions have already been asked. The answers were given a while ago and with a sudden surprise burst of energy, her mind is now made up. This is the day she stops calling back, when she stops trying to fix a problem that most likely doesn't exist outside her head. When she stops focusing on things to do to get him to like her more and starts doing things for herself. The first day of freedom. A freedom she left behind a long time ago when she fell in love. |